Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hot Run to Work

Ran into work again this morning featuring the 15 mile route.  Today is officially the hottest day of the year this summer and when I started at 5:30am, it was a humid 75 degrees.  By 10am it looked like this (notice the “Heat Advisory” warning):

Took 20 oz of water and 16 oz of Ironman Perform Sports Drink with me on the run (on my water belt) and consumed all of it by mile 8 when I reached Hart Park (where I filled up 20 more ounces of water).  This was a tough run and I had to scale back my pace about 30 seconds per mile in order to keep my heart rate in the desirable zone.  It was definitely a HOT, TOUGH, & SWEATY workout that I am very glad is over. 

Big weekend coming up featuring a Saturday that contains 6 hours of straight endurance work on the bike and run (80 mile ride followed by a 6-7 mile run).  Let's hope this heat wave cools down by Saturday!

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