Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Recap and Reflection

I’ve reached a bit of a milestone in my training plan and it seems like a good time to reflect on things a bit. I am basically at the half way point as I begin week 10 of the 20 week plan. Things are going pretty smoothly and I am happy to announce that I am not injured, sick, or nursing any nagging physical ailments (at the moment). You can see from the chart below that weeks 10 & 11 (6/25 & 7/2) are BIG build weeks that feature some tough workouts. In addition the other two big build weeks (7/16 & 7/23) and (8/6 & 8/13) are also going to be very taxing both mentally and physically.

The fact that these big weeks all occur within the heart of the summer will definitely test me in many ways. I’ve been busting my ass week in and week out and haven’t missed any workouts at this point, so I feel like I am prepared to handle what is ahead. However, one never really knows for sure when entering uncharted territory. All I can do is continue to work hard and keep positive. I will surely encounter more hard days, but how I bounce back and forge forward will be the key to my success. One of my mental thoughts that I keep handy is that I really only have SIX more brutally tough weekends to endure. And of those SIX weekends, it is typically ONE day (usually Saturday) that is exceptionally tough. So the bottom line is that I have SIX days of real hard physical work to endure before Ironman (7 if you count Ironman day….but I don’t because that is pay-off day).

Who can’t get through 6 days….RIGHT?

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