Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The 20 week training plan

My how time continues to fly.  My 10 year wedding anniversary is in 3 days and tomorrow we leave for an 11 day trip to Europe.  We spend time in Munich, Prague, and Salzburg.  We will surely do a ton of walking and also plan on doing city bike tours of both Munich and Prague.  Ironically, as I've mentioned before, week 1 of my training plan starts next week while we are in Europe.  I am wrapping up 4 solid weeks of training with a 7 mile run this morning and a 25 mile bike ride on the trainer tomorrow before we depart to O'Hare around noonish.  I feel really good about where I am fitness-wise and although I won't be swimming or biking in 11 days, I do hope to get in some running in the Old Towns.  I believe I will come back refreshed and ready to begin week 2 rested and well.  In the meantime.....PROST!

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