Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Course Changes and Misc Updates

Got an email on Friday from Ironman that the course is changing a bit this year.  Some fairly minor changes on the bike course, but a big change in the swim course.  Now instead of doing two loops of a rectangle in Lake Monona, we will be doing one large 2.4 mile rectangle instead.  The consensus is this is a good course change becuase it limits the number of turns and it will allow swimmers to get into a groove and find open water sooner.  WTC listens to the athlete's and makes changes based on our opinion.  They do things the right way.  Here is how the 2012 version of the swim is going to look for me......
As far as my training the last 6 weeks have been awesome.  My body has responded well to the increases in training and I am ready right now to start my 20 week plan.  I have built up the adequate endurance at this point where I have been spending 7-8 hours a week doing endurance work.  In addition, I have been hitting the weights 2x a week for additional strength training.  Things are going well and I am right where I wanted to be and then some.  I've listed my totals for March below.
March's totals:
Bike:15h 37m 20s - 257.35 Mi
Run:8h 34m 30s - 53.8 Mi
Swim:4h 47m 18s - 13450 Yd
Strength:1h 55m

I've also have some of my personal life ducks in a row by making few purchases to help make my summer easier while doing my training.  Here is the latest additon ---->

Last but not least, I leave on a funny note.  This has gone around for a while amongst Ironman.  I saw it first last year from one of my friends who did Ironman and I still look at it often for a good laugh.  It  sums things up pretty well for me......

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