Sunday, April 29, 2012

Anniversaries, Trips and Training

It's been a whirlwind the last 11 days. Colleen and I celebrated our ten year anniversary in Europe and just arrived home yesterday, 4/28.  We had some unbelievably fun times in Munich, Salzburg, and Prague.  I would rank this vacation up there with the best of the best.  Here are some snapshots of the memories...

It's been a great ten years of marriage and was a great anniversary trip, but today is a little bittersweet because the date (4/29) marks the 13th anniversary of my dad's passing. I still think about him a lot and really wished he was around to see some of my successes in life including my marriage, first house, and graduation from graduate school. I know he would have been proud of me.   He was a great man who loved sports and was very athletic himself.  I know he would have enjoyed watching me pursue my Ironman goal and would have certainly supported me greatly and this is why my 2012 Ironman journey is dedicated to his memory.

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