Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

It was a pretty good weekend of training which concludes a three week build cycle.  I am proud to say that I have completed 5 weeks of my 20 week Ironman plan.  For those who are mathematically challenged, that means I am one quarter or 25% complete!  That's all good and fine, but I still have tons of work to do.  At this point, I am still in my comfort zone because much of the training up to this point has been similar to the peak hours of a Half Ironman training plan (which I did last year).  However, going forward past Memorial day is when I enter uncharted training territory where distances and time continue to increase and become more of a burden on any form of a personal life that I currently posses. 

Anyway, this Memorial day weekend had me complete an 8 mile run in the morning and a 2200 yard swim in the late afternoon on Saturday.  Then, on Sunday I did a 52 mile bike ride out west and through some hilly, challenging terrain.   The bike ride was definitely the tougher of the two days because of the tough conditions.  The main problem was a stiff wind out of the East which made the long eastbound trek home very difficult.

I was finished with my ride by 9am on Sunday and when I got home Colleen was nice enough to make me a giant breakfast which I definitely needed. By 11am, I was on the couch, watching golf on tv and the next thing I knew I was sound asleep. This ride had taken ALOT out of me and I could feel it in my legs and just a general fatigue overall.

Interestingly after some rest & food I started feeling much better later in the day. That was good news because we were attending a wedding that evening and I really didn't want to be falling asleep at the dinner table!  Mission accomplished and it turned out to be a fun time.

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