Thursday, May 24, 2012

Rest and Recovery

Anyone who has trained for any length of time knows the importance of rest and recovery. Exercise breaks down the body and then afterwards the body has the remarkable ability to recover and adapt by growing stronger. The benefits of exercise and a healthy lifestyle are well documented, so I am stating nothing groundbreaking here (as usual).

Tomorrow (Friday, 5/25), I have a scheduled rest day with no workouts planned. These days become more and more treasured as the training gets longer and tougher. Usually a rest day comes immediately after a long string of workouts and that is basically where I am today.  In fact, this morning at 5:30 I completed a tough 6 mile tempo run and then later tonight after work I get to hop on the bike for an hour long spin.

What does all this mean?  It means after an early morning workout with another looming after work, I have discovered a renewed interest and love of my lunch hour.  It has become a valuable opportunity for me to get some extra REST and RECOVERY!

Every so often when feeling a bit tired, I grab my lunch and drive out to one of my "secret spots" (yes, I have several) and I quickly gobble down my fuel (aka lunch) and then engage in what I call an "Ironman Siesta.".....Brilliant, isn't it?

Here is what it looks like. Please note that I took this picture myself right before my little catnap. But be reassured that 5 minutes after the picture I looked virtually identical AND was sound asleep!

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