Monday, July 16, 2012

Recovery Week

Although this week was considered a recovery/easier week, it really wasn't all that easy. I did a total of four workouts over two days (Sat & Sun) and one of the workouts was a maximum distance for me. On Saturday I swam 5025 yards (nearly three full miles). That is the most I have ever swam in a single workout, so that was anything but easy. In addition, I did the swim later in the day after already doing a 30 mile bike ride up to and around the Holy Hill area (which is indeed hilly).  I joined a fellow BT'er buddy (wibadger) who was doing a 75 mile ride and I got to spend 30 miles riding with him.  Anyway, the climb up to the top of Holy Hill, you find one of only two Catholic Basilicas in the state of Wisconsin.  Here is a picture I took...

On Sunday things did seem a bit easier with a 17 mile bike ride followed immediately by running for 1:45 (an hour & 45 minutes).  I decided to do the run inside the Petitt National Ice Rink running track instead of outside.  Because this was a longer effort, I really wanted to get in some quality miles where I was not overheating outside and running slower than normal.  The running track proved to be the perfect place.  It was almost 90 degrees outside, but a cool 50 inside the Pettit.  I was able to get a very good, quality run and was happy with the result.  I was even more happy that I did not feel so physically drained and exhausted after the workout like I often do after I run in extreme heat.  I have plenty of time to acclimate to the heat once I get closer to the race date.

So in a nutshell, that concluded my easy weekend and the next two weeks coming up feature big volume as I approach peak hours in preparation for the big event!

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