Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekend featuring 160 miles of Biking

It was definitely a weekend featuring cycling for me.  Ironic that the Tour de France also concluded this weekend with a awesome win for Bradley Wiggins.  What a great win for his country (Britain) and congrats to Team Sky for their part in the win.  Just a great tour and I always hate when it wraps up because I LOVE watching it on TV.

Anyway, my weekend was filled with my own Tour which I will call "Tour De La Central Wisconsin".  I logged over 160 miles of cycling including my first century ride of the year.  Lots, and lots of good riding and despite some heat & humidity I was happy with my results and also happy that the 'ole body is still feeling pretty good (even as I write this on Monday!). 

Saturday was the century ride and an incredibly long day.  It started with a 4:30 wake up call, followed by breakfast, stretching, slopping on several ounces of SPF protection and out the door with a 30 minute car ride to Oconomowoc to meet up with Leslie and her husband Jim.  Leslie and I were doing the century and Jim was doing the 45 mile option. 

This event was perhaps the best deal of any race I have ever done.  The cost was a mere $25 and it gave us an organized, well marked ride, SAG wagon support and about a half dozen rest/water stops (the mile 65 stop even had Buffalo Wild Wings!).  In addition, the event had a very good post ride spaghetti dinner.  I have never paid so little for any event and got so much.  It was a real deal.

I include a map and profile picture of the ride which covered a lot of terrain.  We ended up having a great day and although it go hot, it was slightly overcast so the sun was not has hot as it could have been.  There were some hills, but definitely not as techical or difficult as the Ironman course.  But still a very good challenging ride through some great midwestern countryside.  There is no doubt that I will consider doing this ride again in the future.  The day finally ended somewhere around 3pm after the ride and a post ride 30 minute run.  WHEW...a long day indeed.

On Sunday I rode a solo 60 miler that included more substantial hills and rolling terrain (profile pic below).  Sunday was a bit hotter, but I got out early at 6am and was done between 9 and 10am.  My post-ride run on Saturday was with Leslie around the Lac La Belle area (in the heat), so on Sunday I decided to skip the heat and do the post-ride run in the comfort of my basement and on the treadmill (that sure made it a lot easier). 

The last noteworth cycling top of the week was that my new race tires arrived.  I've been riding around on some older tires that are still holding up pretty well, but definitely have a lot of miles on them.  So I ordered these about a week ago and they just arrived.  I suspect I'll put them on bike a few weeks before Ironman so that I get comfortable with them and "break them in" a little bit.  I'm sure they buy me some additional speed....just not sure how much!

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