Monday, August 20, 2012

Attack of the killer something or other

I meant to post this last week when this occurred, but time passed and I forgot. The good news is that "it" is finally going away!

Not sure what "it" was, but it itched like crazy, often hurt and had bothered me for about a week. Seems like insect bites, and I'm sure it's somehow related to run, swim, or bike. Or maybe all three?

All I know is hydrocortisone cream barely helped it and if it didn't get better after a week I was definitely considering professional (MD) help.  Let's hope it doesn't mysteriously reappear down the road!


  1. That looks like swimmer's itch. It's an allergic reaction to a parasite that is in duck poop. It's been a bad summer for it in Michigan as well. Wash yourself off ASAP after doing open water swims, rinse off your gear. I found that Alavert helped me. Good luck at IMWI!


    1. Thanks...after about a week with liberal application of cortisone it finally went away. You are probably right about the swimmer's itch. Pretty annoying!
