Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ironman BIB numbers announced

I got word that the Ironman athlete bib numbers have been assigned today and they can be found here.  Looks like I am number 2154.  That sounds like a peculiarily high number to me.  Not sure if that is good or bad....hmmmmm?  If nothing else, this makes the big day feel closer to reality and that always makes me both nervous and excited!


  1. Hi:

    I've been reading your blog for a while now.... I'm doing IM WI too this year....I've enjoyed reading about your training and can especially relate to the love/hate thing about training right now.

    In any event, I don't blog as much as you do (I should but there is this pesky time thing)...but maybe we will be able to meet at Imoo to say "good luck" at the beginning AND "congratulations!" at the end.

    Keep up the hard work!

    1. Hi Amy,

      Thanks for reading my blog and it's always nice to link up with fellow IM'ers! I will now follow you on your blog too and I can relate to what you said about summer - where has it gone?

      We will certainly have to meet up race day. How's the training going for you? Keep up the good work and before we know it the tapering will begin!


  2. I just found your blog looking for bib numbers. Looks like we are in the same age group. I am not sure how they make up the numbers but I think they do it by age somehow. Good luck to you and see you out there. Oh, I will be #2012 [sweet!].

    1. Sorry, I never saw your comment when you posted it until now. We'll definitely be close pretty close by at 2012 & 2154. Good luck to you too...hard to believe the big day is just around the corner!
