Friday, August 17, 2012

Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri

A fun filled couple of days and with the summary version looking something like this….

Tuesday - Tri Wisconsin group ride through the hills. I rode the 30 mile route with a couple of buddies and we capped the evening off with post-ride beers in the parking lot. That is always a fun way to spend a Tuesday night.

Wednesday – Early morning before work I ran what was the shortest run I have done in months. It was 30 minutes long with most of it spent running up and down a steep hill. That run also had the extra element of precipitation. Unfortunately it rained 20 minutes of the 30 minutes and then stopped raining for the rest of the day. Bad luck I guess. Also on Wednesday I dropped off my bike for a comprehensive Tune-up at Emery’s Cycle Shop.  This service for a little over $100 will give me a complete bike cleaning, wheels trued up, chain degreased and lubed, all pivot points lubed, brakes adjusted, shifting adjusted, Speedplay pedals greased, and the entire drivetrain taken apart, cleaned and reinstalled.  This should put the MadOne in great shape for Ironman.  The only other addition I will add is my race tires which I will install a week or two before September 9th.

Thursday – Took the day off again because of a fairly big workout day. Got up early and it was pouring rain so I was forced to run at the Petit indoor running track. Did 15 miles worth of running including some tempo work mixed into the middle of the run. Mid-afternoon I did about 2500 yards of swimming followed by dinner. After dinner I spent 2 hours at the Tri-Wisconsin “Ironman prep” clinic at the North Shore Wheel & Sprocket. This turned out to be a very informative and inspirational seminar covering virtually everything imaginable related to Ironman. They did a good job of going over all the logistics before race day as well as things to do during and after the race. That was well worth my time.

Friday – No workouts scheduled. I plan on picking up my bike after work and then heading home to get everything staged for tomorrow’s big training day in Madison!

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