Sunday, August 12, 2012

Slamming the door shut on week 16 (Thank God)!

Yes, I am glad that is over.  Saturday was a whirlwind workout extravaganza.  I am just happy it was relatively cool and overcast because sunny and hot would have completely demoralized me.

Saturday I arrived at Tosa WAC at 6:15 and there were about 10 people waiting in the atrium for the club to open at 6:30.  And I thought I was dedicated?  After they opened the door at 6:30 we all flew into the club to begin our respective workouts.  I have a feeling I was the only one in the group about to endure an 8.5 hour workout.  In fact, I would bet money that I was the only one doing that.

Began with a 3,900 yard swim in the pool.  Made a transition from the pool to the parking lot where my bike was securely attached to my vehicle.  Unloaded said bicycle and staged it with nutrition, hydration, one Iphone and all the normal cycling stuff (spare tubes, co2, etc). 

Off I went on a 106 mile journey taking me up to Holy Hill and points west.  Finished with a loop of Pewaukee Lake and headed back to the WAC.  Close to 7 hours on a bike and not much to report other than a sore ass and a very windy day which made the ride tougher and slower than I would have liked.  Also had some minor stomach issues which I am becomming better at managing.  Interestingly, I did have to stop at mile 90 because I was craving and NEEEEDED a Cherry Pepsi.  Strange, but I drank it and somehow it seemed to make the last 16 miles much easier (Keep in mind, I am NOT a soda drinker).

Got back to the WAC and made another quick transition at my vehicle.  Threw on my visor, running shoes and grabbed a bottle of water for the run.  Took off for 30 minutes of running which found me going down to Hart Park and doing four loops (1 mile) on the running track and then back up to the WAC.  This was surprisingly not as hard as I would have expected after a big swim and a big bike.  That is a good sign.

Finished everything up in about 8.5 hours around 4pm and I was pretty tired, but knew I still had to shower up, get home and go to a party being hosted by a fellow friend, Donkey and neighbor.  I told myself all day I wasn't going to miss this fun, and exciting party.

Lo and Behold, I got home, drank a protein shake and found myself immediately leaving for the party.  Not sure how I did it all but I managed to stay out until 10pm and polished off a handful of Sam Adams.  More importantly I ate quite a bit of food which is exactly what my body needed.  After getting home that evening, I slept like a baby.

Sunday morning came in what seemed like 5 minutes and I knew I had two more workouts to complete.  I dragged myself out of bed and after breakfast and some stretching I slugglishly got on the MadOne and rode for another 2.5 hours followed by another 30 minute run.  Although this day was a lot shorter in volume, it was equally hard on the tails of the prior monstrous day.

The one thing I know for sure is I am happy this weekend is over.  It definitely took a lot out of me and I am thankful for being able to complete it in one piece.  It continues to give me confidence that, hey, I may actually be able to complete an Ironman.

Anyway, next week is #17 and the highlight will most certainly be the Madison Open Water Swim on Saturday.  This will be the ultimate prep for Ironman because it swims the exact Ironman course in Lake Monona and is a timed event.  In addition, I will be riding the entire bike course afterward and following that up with a 1 hour 15 minute run.  This is the final BIG test of all my training and it will certainly be a doozy.

1 comment:

  1. I will be at MOWS too. I will wave to you as you swim and bike by me.
