Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Update on Week 16

I decided since these two weeks are by far the hardest physically with the most training hours in the plan, it might be a good idea to attempt blogging every day (or close to it).  I think I've mentioned that this week is the largest volume week of the 20 week plan.  Next week (#17), is very similiar but just slightly less in total hours.  However, I am guessing it will most likely be a tougher week because it contains the largest volume DAY of the entire plan.  Saturday, August 18th will be close to 9.5 hours of endurance work in one sitting (ouch).

Anyway, lets not dwell on the future and instead focus on more recent events right now.  Yesterday early morning (before work) I ran 6.5 miles to start the day.  Then after work I met up with the TriWisconsin team for some cycling at 6pm.  I really like being part of TriWisconsin and really enjoy the Tuesday night Lannon Rides.  It fits nicely into my schedule and it provides a tough, challenging, hilly 30 mile course which is exactly what I need.  The other piece that I like about riding with this group is that there are some very good cyclists and that helps push me into riding harder and faster then I might do on my own.  Although I can rarely keep up with the fastest group (averaging 20mph), I fit in nicely with the medium-fast group and usually average somewhere in the 18-19 mph range.  I am happy with that kind of output on a hilly course.

Today will be an easier day where I will be doing an hour long spin to help loosen up the sticks a bit.  It is also designed to be easy because tomorrow I will be taking a day of PTO/vacation.  I might have been able to do this without PTO, but it would have involved a VERY early morning.  This should make it easier on me with having the day off.  Here is what the workout will look like tomorrow....

Morning - Run 14 miles
Afternoon - Swim 1 hour (3000 yards), follow that with a 4 mile run.


  1. I've got my big volume weeks this week and next week. (Last week wasn't too shabby either). On deck for me tonight: a 20 mile run. Will take me a looooong time, since I'm on the slower side. This is actually good practice though, since I'll be running in the dark at Imoo.... good luck with the next week or so of training!

    1. Thanks. Just finished the weekend and it was definitely tough. I think I will probably blog about it :). BTW, I see u are doing the open water swim in Madison next week. I am also doing this along with a ride of the whole course. Perhaps we can link up before the swim? As far as the bike, I've done the IM loop a handful of times, but this will be my first time doing the stick. Maybe I can follow u on the stick so I don't get lost?
