Friday, August 31, 2012


Whew....avoided catastrophe number #1.  This last week I notice my Honda Pilot SUV was running hotter than usual on the temperature gauge.  However, it was only running hotter when it was parked and sitting idle.  If I were driving, the temperature was in the normal range, but if I left it on while parked it kept getting hotter, and hotter and eventually to the red zone (and then I'd turn it off).  All I knew is that the car is 6 years old and I have not had one repair on it to this point, so it almost seemed way overdue for something.  I had a feeling something was wrong and didn't want an issue mysteriously popping up next weekend while at Ironman.  Good thing I listened to my instincts and took the car in for service at a local Honda dealer.  Turns out my radiator was leaking and needed to be replaced to the tune of $730.00.  Small price to pay to prevent an overheating disaster on 9/9 while Colleen is driving around the likes of Verona, Cross Plains and Mount Horeb chasing me around on my 112 mile adventure.

Now the only other thing I need to ponder is whether this overheating issue is some type of symbolism or foreshadowing of race day?  Perhaps it is a message telling me to hydrate more on 9/9?  Hmmmmmmm.  Let me think about that for a while.

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